1. (OMW!)
2. Engage Here
3. About
Anne responding to the British Library's Peruvian clothing collection
Attendees watching The Blue's Brothers (1980) at The Castle Cinema
Martha's study of Draped Seated Woman

Engage Here CIC, is a community interest company that was set up in 2020 by Melissa Fry and Sam. Its purpose is to provide creativity for those who find it hard to participate in the arts. At present, Engage Here's focus is working with people living with dementia or cognitive impairment, as well their carers, many of whom are unpaid volunteers or family members. Engage Here's workshops are always free at the point of use and held in different community settings across London, predominantly in Camden, Hackney, Tower Hamlets and the City of London.

The workshops lean towards craft-based processes rather than free-reign drawing or painting. This is driven by an idea of nurturing techniques that are repeatable, so participants can continue to improve their wellbeing independentlyg. This methodology increases the accessibility of Engage Here's programmes, in that little focus is placed on what the participants produce but more on what they have learnt.

Past examples of projects include dementia-friendly workshops at the British Library exploring their archive, printmaking workshops for older people in response to Henry Moore's Draped Seated Woman, weekly art workshops users of the James Wigg GP practice in Camden, and accessible cinema screenings for Hackney residents at the Castle Cinema in Homerton.